

Patients were granted full access to their medical records from October 2023, however this was only access going forward from that date, it did not include historical data. Some patients will have previously had access to their historical data which has been temporarily suspended. We are hoping that we can give full access to patients in the near future.

All your data is still on your record, it is just currently not visible via the App, if you need access for whatever reason please get in touch via Contact Us button.


Blood test results

Blood test results are received back into the patient record but are not released until they have been seen by a GP. The NHS App will show that your test results are back but will not let you see them until the GP has filed them, there will be a short interval between receipt of blood test results and you being able to look at them on your App.

West Essex Urgent and Emergency Care Support and Contact Information

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As well as specific practice details such as opening hours and how to register, you’ll find a wealth of useful pages covering a wide range of health issues along with links to other relevant medical organisations.


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